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Unit: 01
- How do you look at your basic aspiration ? Is it ‘To Be’, ‘To Get’, ‘To Become’ ? Justify your answer.
- Discuss Happiness and Unhappiness.
- What are requirement to fulfill basic human aspiration.
- What are vision of happy and prosperous life ? How can you say that you are prosperous.
- Short note on : Right understanding.
Unit: 02
- What do you mean by existence and co-existence? Explain the roll of human being in existence.
- Explain the four orders existing in nature? How they are inter-linked to one other.
- What is harmony in existence? Differentiate between nature and space.
- Differentiate between unit and space.
- Explain Experiencer, Doer and Knower in details
Unit: 03
- Human being is the co-existence of the self and the body.
- Describe the various activities of the ‘self’ and the ‘body’.
- The need of the self are qualitative. Illustrate.
- I is a conscious unite while Body is a material unit. Examine this statement
Unit: 04
- What are the need and process of inner evolution (self exploration)
- “Existence is co-existence”. Discuss
- What is self evolution and why it is important?
- What is harmony in nature and why it is so important to attain harmony in nature?
- Short note on : (i) Self-awareness (ii) self-realization (iii) Natural acceptance.
- Differentiate between active co-existence and passive co-existence
Unit: 05
- Explain different aspects of encompassing resolution in human values
- What are the four dimension of human being and four levels of human existence
- Realization and understanding are essential for happiness and harmony. Explain.?
- Discuss briefly the holistic way of living.
- Explain the dimension that helps to develop vision of holistic approach.