Types of Big Data (types of digital data)
1. Structured Data Name Class RollNO Amar M.tech 65655656 Shiva B.tech 45656565 Structured Data 2. Semi-Structured Data 3. Unstructured Data
1. Structured Data Name Class RollNO Amar M.tech 65655656 Shiva B.tech 45656565 Structured Data 2. Semi-Structured Data 3. Unstructured Data
Big data refers to analysis and managing the large volume of data or information that is generated at high speed. It is a process of analysis large amount of complex formatted data that is collected from various sources. Source of Big Data Applications of Big Data Importance of Big Data Features of Big Data Features … Read more
SQL NoSQL SQL, which stands for “Structured Query Language,” is the programming language that is used to manage data in relational database management systems (RDBMS). Non-relational or distributed database system. SQL databases are suitable for structured and predictable data. NoSQL databases are suitable for unstructured and rapidly changing data. SQL databases are not suitable for … Read more
DBMS stands for Database Management System is a software that is used to manage the database. DBMS Server What is Database? What is RDBMS? Roll NO Student Name Marks 1 Rahul 35 2 Shiva 80 3 Raghav 96 RDBMS data store data in row and columns.
Types of SQL Commands DDL Commands 1. CREATE This command is used to create a new database or table. RollNO FirstName LastName Address Student table 2. ALTER Command ALTER command is used to change or modify the existing structure of the database, and it also changes the schema of database objects. Suppose, you want to … Read more